Crowns and Bridges

What is a Crown?

A crown is a surface cap that encases the entire tooth, thus restoring it to its original shape and size.
Crowns protect the tooth and strengthen its structure; no other type of restoration is able to do this.
Although several types of crowns exist, porcelain is the most popular because their colour resembles natural teeth the most. Crowns are made to match the size, shape, and colour of natural teeth.
They are highly durable and last many years, however they are not a permanent solution and will eventually need to be replaced.

Reasons why you would need a crown

Dental Crown Procedure

Initial Consultation

The dentist examines the tooth, takes X-rays, and discusses options.
Step 01

Tooth Preparation

The dentist reshapes the tooth to fit the crown. This step may require local anesthesia.
Step 02

Impression Taking

After tooth preparation, the dentist makes an impression of the tooth. This mold is sent to a laboratory where the crown is fabricated.
Step 03

Temp Crown Placement

A temporary crown is fitted to protect the tooth while the permanent crown is made.
Step 04

Permanent Crown Fitting

Once ready, the dentist removes the temporary crown and places the permanent one, making adjustments as needed.
Step 05


After placement, maintain regular follow-up visits to ensure proper fit and longevity of your crown.
Step 06

What is a Dental Bridge?

Dental bridges “bridge” the gap between one or more missing teeth in order to reduce the appearance of inconsistency in the mouth.
Bridges are made up of two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap with false teeth in between.
They are cemented into the mouth by the dentist but can be easily removed if necessary. If the patient does not want a bridge for whatever reason, there are other options available, such as placing an implant in the space of the missing tooth/teeth.

Reasons for Installing a Bridge

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Dental Bridge Procedure

Prepare the Abutment Teeth

The dentist reshapes the abutment teeth to make room for the crowns that will support the bridge.
Step 01

Make Impressions of Your Teeth

Impressions are taken of your teeth. These serve as a model for the dental lab to create your bridge, pontic (the false tooth), and crowns.
Step 02

Temporary Bridge Placement

While your permanent bridge is being made, you'll wear a temporary bridge to protect your exposed teeth and gums.
Step 03

Permanent Bridge Placement

After your permanent bridge is ready, the dentist removes the temporary bridge and places the new one. They adjust it to make sure it fits correctly.
Step 04


After placement, maintain regular follow-up visits to ensure proper fit and longevity of your bridge.
Step 05

Crowns and Bridges FAQs

Today’s crowns and bridges are made of natural-looking composite materials that make them virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

Dental crowns and bridges can have a long lifespan, influenced by various factors. On average, they can last between 5 to 15 years, or even longer. Maintaining good oral hygiene through regular brushing and flossing is crucial for their longevity. Avoid consuming hard or sticky foods to prevent damage and decay that could compromise your crown or bridge.

Patients undergoing the procedure commonly experience tooth sensitivity, gum soreness, and general teeth discomfort. After a permanent crown is placed, these symptoms should disappear.

The newer all porcelain crowns are an aesthetic improvement over older, porcelain fused to metal crowns as if the gum line would recede, the older crowns often showed a metal edge to the crown that originally was hidden from view. Since all porcelain crowns have no metal, no markings are evident if the gum line recedes.

If your crowns are worn or damaged, contact us for a replacement plan. We’ll remove the old crown and fit a temporary one while crafting your new permanent crowns.
If you’re dissatisfied with the appearance of older crowns, consider upgrading. Today’s crowns look more natural than the metal or porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns of the past, ensuring your smile looks great.
  • Hot Foods: Individuals may experience sensitivity in the area of a crowned tooth when consuming hot foods, particularly if gum recession is present. If discomfort continues, seek advice from your dentist as the crown might need adjustment.
  • Cold Foods: These do not damage the crown but can cause sensitivity similar to that from hot foods if the gum recedes and exposes the root above the dental crown. Your dentist might recommend a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth, which helps block the transmission of sensation from the tooth to the nerves.
  • Sugary Foods: Limit exposure to sugary drinks, candy, and gum. Reduce snacking and clean your teeth after consuming sticky or chewy foods, like dried fruit, to prevent decay.

Patients fitted with dental bridges are advised by dentists to avoid chewing extensively on foods such as raw vegetables, hard candies, and ice. These foods can cause damage to the bridge, which may require replacement if it cannot be repaired.

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