Oral Surgery

What is Oral Surgery?

Any procedure that involves cutting into or removing tissue from your mouth, tooth extraction, or installing a dental implant is considered oral surgery.
This type of surgery is used to treat many problems in the areas of the face, jaw, neck, and the hard and soft tissues of the mouth.
Usually, tooth removal occurs if it appears to be broken, infected, loose, or impacted.
After taking a dental x-ray and examining the problem area, your dentist will decide which type of extraction is needed.

Reasons for Oral Surgery


Wisdom Teeth Removal

These back molars can cause pain and crowding if they don't have enough room to grow in properly. They may require extraction.

Missing Teeth

If you're missing a tooth, a dental implant can replace it. Surgery is needed to put the metal post into the jawbone.

Infected or Damaged Teeth

When the inside of a tooth gets infected, a root canal might be needed. Should a root canal procedure fail, apical surgery, also known as an apicoectomy, serves as the corrective measure.

Jaw Problems

Some people have jaws that don't line up correctly, which can cause bite issues. Surgery can fix this.

Gum Recession

If your gums are receding, a dentist might take tissue from elsewhere in your mouth and attach it to the areas where the gums are low.

Reconstructive Surgery

After an injury or other dental problems, surgery can help fix the teeth and bones in your face.

Post Surgery Care

After oral surgery, there are several things you should avoid to ensure proper healing:


Don't use a straw

Sucking on a straw can dislodge the blood clot that forms in the surgical area, leading to a painful condition called dry socket.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking can slow down healing and also increase the risk of complications.

Skip hard or crunchy foods

These can irritate the surgical site. Stick to soft foods like yogurt or applesauce.

Don't poke at surgery site

Even with your tongue or fingers, this can cause infection or disrupt healing.

Avoid vigorous rinsing

Gentle rinsing is usually okay, but aggressive rinsing can disturb the healing tissue.

Steer clear of alcohol

Alcohol can interfere with the healing process and might react negatively with any prescribed medication.

Don't ignore instructions

Your dentist or surgeon will give you specific care instructions—follow them closely.


Don't jump right back into physical activities. Give your body time to heal.

Remember, if you have any questions or concerns after your surgery, reach out to your dental professional for advice.

Oral Surgery FAQs

Periodontal or “gum” surgery is needed when conservative non-surgical treatments are ineffective in completely eradicating the periodontal disease. Luckily, periodontal surgery is a very simple and extremely effective technique to treat advanced periodontal problems.

Apical surgery is considered a standard oral surgical procedure. It is often the last resort to surgically maintain a tooth with a periapical lesion that cannot be managed with conventional endodontic (re-)treatment. The main goal of apical surgery is to prevent bacterial leakage from the root-canal system into the periradicular tissues by placing a tight root-end filling following root-end resection. A major step in apical surgery is to identify possible leakage areas at the cut root face and subsequently to ensure adequate root-end filling. Only a tight and persistent apical obturation will allow periapical healing with good long-term prognosis.

The dentist will request in-depth past medical history before a patient can be sedated. Not all patients are able to be sedated. Patients who are anxious, nervous, or scared of dental visits may request sedation for a variety of dental services from a regular cleaning to wisdom teeth extractions. However, there may be other techniques to help a patient receive the necessary dental treatment in a safe and comfortable manner.

The duration of your oral surgery varies depending on the specific procedure recommended by your dentist. It may last from one hour to four hours or longer. For a schedule that accommodates your needs, inquire with your dentist for additional details.

The duration of recovery from oral surgery varies by type. Typically, it takes several days to a week for pain and swelling to reduce after wisdom teeth extraction. Gums may fully heal within a month. The dentist will advise a soft diet initially and offer comprehensive guidance on managing discomfort and swelling. Healing time for dental implants differs based on the individual and the specific procedure.

After surgery you may experience jaw muscle stiffness and limited opening of your mouth, This is normal and will improve in five to ten days.

For 2 days after surgery, drink liquids and eat soft foods only. Such as milkshakes, eggnog, yogurt, cooked cereals, cottage cheese, smooth soups, mashed potatoes, refried beans, ice cream, pudding, fruit smoothies and protein shakes. On day 3 after surgery, eat soft foods that do not require much chewing, such as macaroni and cheese, cooked noodles, soft-boiled /scrambled/ poached eggs and soft sandwiches. Avoid tough or crunchy foods, such as pizza, rice, popcorn, and hamburger. Avoid spicy and acidic foods. Most patients may resume their normal diet 7 days after surgery.

  • You experience excessive discomfort that you cannot control with your pain pills.
  • You have bleeding that you cannot control by biting on gauze.
  • You have increased swelling after the third day following your surgery.
  • You feel that you have a fever.

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